Lynne d Johnson



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12.11.05 05:53 PM

the return of urbanexpose - sort of in the form of a hip-hop bible

Back in the days of the urban interweb explosion...

When there were mega sites like,,, Urban Box Office, 360hiphop - and far too many foul ups to mention

There was this one space, to get your daily dish on the behind-the-scenes scoop on all of these organizations

In it's heyday, it was the most notable urban site - and media inside scoop (definitely a percursor to such sites as gawker and wonkette)

But the smooth move operator who launced the site was of the stealthiest breed - maintaining anonymity as long as he could - at least until it made sense and would further his own career - he turned out to be a once locked up hacker envied for his bed stuy hardcore roots as much as his technological acumen

Brilliant! So brilliant in fact there's talk of an urbanexpose TV show in the works - seeing will be believing

But the fact is I'm not posting about UE to praise it or its founder, or even to discuss the time that once was urban interweb. I'm more interested in some of the new sites cropping up that seem to be following in the footsteps of the once lauded UE.

The Bible of Hip Hop

No - not The Source

The Bible of Hip Hop Blog

Which of all things has a blogspot url using blogger type template, launcehd in Oct. 2005 to: "fill a void of hardcore media analysis of the hip hop world that has been sorely lacking."

The name of the blog of course takes jabs at The Source - just in its branding alone. But I would think that if you're going to be "The Bible Of Hip Hop" - the least you could do is own your own domain.

Oh you do - just redirects to

There's a lot of analysis there and some clever jokes, but honestly I think has already claimed the space that thebible hopes to enter. And though I don't think he cares for me all that much, I'm not afraid to honestly praise him for the job he's done or how funny he is - whether sometimes I think he goes a little too far or not.

Sure there's a lot of room for hip-hop analysis and hip-hop media analysis, but um...

when people say they're going to be anonymous (I hate when folks do this, and if you don't care about my thoughts - well hashim isn't crazy about it either. And I know you hip-hop bloggers care what he thinks. I only know how he feels about it from talking about another blog taking stabs at another urban magazine behind an anonymous front. On the real though, it's like man up already. It's alright to criticize, but show your face.)

But truly, if you're going to really be anonymous, and even claim that you are in you're about section of your site:

"Who: In the tradition of your favorite rappers of old who stepped out of their basement, put on a cape, and called themselves grandwizard suchandsuch, we have opted to don names that will reflect our personas. We are the ultimate insiders. From the beast, but not of the beast. We are connected. When the time is right, all will be revealed..."

Don't forget that bloggers aren't stupid - and that some of us even really do this interweb shit fo' real, and often identities can be discovered.

Such as:

Registrant Contact:
J. Feinberg (
Fax: +1.2125619546
18 Sutton Place
New York, NY 10001

What you're doing could end up being major though, regardless of anything else I've posted here. It's totally just my opinion. And besides I'm just like Jay-Z and Diddy, holding on to some golden age of hip-hop that's long slipped through my fingers, and as I, like them start approaching middle age, I perhaps need to stop worrying about creating products of hip-hop and worry more about owning products of hip-hop.

Yo, J. Feinberg, if you ever think you need a consultant or an investor to make your dreams come true. Holla'

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